IACS System Testing and Assessment Rating (STAR) Methodology

Security assessments and penetration testing of an Industrial and Automation Control Systems (IACS) / Operational Technology (OT) environment are two types of vulnerability assessments that feed information into the ISA/IEC 62443 risk assessment process. The Cyber Security Management System (CSMS) process, detailed in the ISA/IEC-62443-2-1 standard, requires a detailed risk assessment which is outlined in full within the ISA/IEC-62443-3-2 standard. The detailed risk assessment requires that a vulnerability assessment is conducted to identify unmitigated risk. These vulnerability assessments require that the assessment findings be qualitatively rated according to the threat, likelihood, and consequences should the vulnerability be exploited and threat actor success realized.
The IACS System Testing and Assessment Rating (STAR) Methodology (IACS STAR) is intended to be a methodology to estimate the severity of identified risks to the IACS/OT environment. This methodology includes the classic qualitative risk calculation elements while adding the consequence considerations necessary for understanding risks to IACS/OT processes and equipment. Having a system in place that addresses IACS/OT concerns for rating risks will save time and eliminate arguing about prioritizations and improve countermeasure selection to quickly reduce risk.
For more details download the IACS STAR Methodology White Paper. To start using the IACS STAR Methodology in your vulnerability assessments use the IACS STAR Online Calculator.